Thursday, September 22, 2011

Political Comment: Goodbye to Some Followers

The book I originally was going to preview here has been delayed.

In light of the bad economic, political and social news we all have been inundated with over the past couple of years, I offer a brief political statement.  I do this despite the fact that I know it will cost me a few twitter followers.  I do not care.  It is more important to live my life and stand up for what I truly believe in than it is to prop up my ego with a few more people to read my scribblings.  I would honestly like a list of people who honestly like my labor to be my followers and if I lose someone whose political bent is perpendicular to mine, so be it.

My comment:

The American middle class in under attack.  Don't take my word for it; pay attention to what is happening around you.  Also,don't listen to what any politician says, pay attention to what they do.  All of the rules are being rearranged to favor the rich and powerful in this country and the voice of the disenfranchised is being methodically strangled.  Some politicians are manipulating the rules to make it more and more difficult for us to hold them accountable and to fight the power they wield -- even as they consolidate it by epic proportions.

Personally, I believe the time has come for term limits (no more career politicians), true election reform, as well as campaign reform.  This means rules set by the people, not the politicians themselves who unfairly (to us) control their own destinies. Wouldn't you love to have the power to effect your own raises and the rules for keeping your job?
Truthfully, elections are for the most part already decided, not through shadow conspiracies, but through rule changes in broad daylight.  Politicians take advantage of the fact that we have to work for a living and cannot pay attention to each little move they make.
We also need to control lobbyists and rein in their control of our political system.  There are few lobbyists for common folk in America wandering the halls of Congress. Meanwhile, corporations have been granted citizenship by the corrupt judicial system and are now wielding far more political power than you and I.  I am not saying that all corporations are corrupt, I am saying that it goes against our founding father's intention for business interest to have more power than individual taxpayers.
Politicians also take advantage of the "not in my back yard" mindset of human nature.  For example, a recent poll indicates that the approval rating of Congress is at a lowly 12%. Does this mean we will have a full-scale overhaul of Congress in the next few election cycles? Hardly.  We think Congress sucks, but not our Congressman, we like him.  And, he is the only one whose election we can decide.

I urge each of you to find the power within yourself to effect change.  The only way the tide will turn, the only way, is if we take the power back through persistent, non-violent change.  This coming election season, send the message that you have been paying attention and that what you are seeing is unacceptable.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me."

-- Martin Niemoller 

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