Sunday, September 26, 2021

In My TBR Stack:

Wisdom: Apprenticing to the Unknown and Befriending Fate
by Paul Dunion EdD
Gatekeeper Press
Trade Paperback

From the author's website:

It may be time to let go of the naivete that our technological devices will magically reveal the nature of absolute truth, or that some alluring formula will serve our need for immediate gratification and penetrate life’s mysteries. We seem to have forgotten that it is by the light of wisdom that we begin to understand who we are and make some sense of the journey we call life.

Wisdom – Apprenticing to the Unknown and Befriending Fate tells a story of what it means to apprentice to the unknown. It offers a strong plea - stop trying to get life right and allow life to get you right.

Such an allowance happens over time as the ego comes to know defeat and the illusion of its sovereignty. The wisdom path must be walked with curiosity and honesty, letting ourselves admit that we are employing some form of bypass that can allegedly circumvent life’s unpredictability and insecurity. Apprentices become increasingly informed by letting go of what is out of their control and learning to find the courage to address what is in their control. The reader learns what it means to remain a student of life, less enamored with being impressive, and as the need to perform and achieve atrophy, gains a devout receptivity to all that fate desires to teach. Wisdom is a verb. It is the apprenticing in a constant state of inquiry.

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