Da Capo Press
Trade Paperback
Todd Snider's website
I first heard of Todd Snider when I managed a music store (remember those?) and received a promotional copy of his first CD, "Songs For the Daily Planet." The cd quickly became a favorite of mine due to the combination of quirky yet poignant songs it contains. The "big hit" is actually a hidden track (remember those?). Who does that?
Years later, I met Todd Snider in a Books-A-Million in Nashville. He was there with his lovely wife buying drinks at the coffee shop inside. I introduced myself and shook his hand. As he was leaving, he looked back, made eye contact, and gave a big wave on the way out.
I'm a huge fan. If you like quirky singer-songwriters and can handle a little twang with your music, give him a listen.
As far as this book goes, I loved it! If you are already a Todd Snider fan you are required to own it; I'm willing to bet that there are many things you'll learn about Todd inside. If you are a newcomer to Todd, understand that he is well-known for his penchant for telling long but funny stories in between songs. This book contains many of those stories, often embellished, but always funny.
From the book jacket:
For years, Todd Snider has been one of the most beloved country-folk singers in the United States, compared to Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, John Prine, and dozens of others. He's become not only a new-century Dylan but a modern-day Will Rogers, an everyman whose intelligence, self-deprecation, experience, and sense of humor make him a uniquely American character. In live performance, Snider's monologues are cheered as much as his songs. But never before has he told the whole story. Running the gamut from personal memoir to shaggy-dog comedy to rueful memories of his troubles and triumphs with drugs and alcohol to sharp-eyed observations from years on the road, I Never Met a Story I Didn't Like is for fans of Snider's music, but also for fans of America itself: the broad, wild country that has produced figures of folk wisdom like Will Rogers, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Tonya Harding, Garrison Keillor, and more. There are storytellers and there are performers and there are stand-up comedians. And then there's Todd Snider, who is all three in one, and something else entirely.
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