Monday, June 13, 2011

On My Radar (Monday Edition)

Crazy: Notes On and Off the Couch
by Rob Dobrenski
Lyons Press

From the publisher website:

An average day in the life of a psychologist is a frenetic one. A 9 a.m. appointment to help a woman manage a husband who won't take out the garbage (at least with pants on) quickly shifts to a session with a convicted rapist at 10 a.m. After talking with a child about his fears of school an hour later, the psychologist then meets with a therapist to deal with his own fears, followed by lunch with his socially-phobic colleague who's already had four martinis by 1 p.m.  All this, and it's only Monday.

Is it any wonder, then, that therapists are often depressed, anxious, and prone to panic attacks?  Or that they take antipsychotics, self-medicate with booze, and struggle in their own relationships?

Crazy is the story of how one mental health professional deals with his own personal problems and those of the people he treats. Part exposé and part memoir, it reveals what therapists really think about their profession, their colleagues, their patients, and their own lives.

Author website

Author's twitter feed

Review of Crazy

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exactly like my kind of story. I hear them everyday, but can't get enough. I love your summary of it. I want that book!!!!!!!!!!!!Speaking of my kind of story I need to get to work now and listen to them for the next 12 hours today and tomorrow. Love ya, Bro
