Thursday, March 10, 2011

On My Radar (Thursday Edition)

50 Jobs in 50 States: One Man's Journey of Discovery Across America
by Daniel Seddiqui
Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Trade Paperback

From the Publisher Website:

Like lots of college grads, Daniel Seddiqui was having a hard time finding a job. Despite more than forty rejections, he knew that opportunities had to exist throughout the country. Determinted to explore the industries, opportunities, and cultures America has to offer, he set out on an extraordinary tour of fifty jobs in all fifty states in fifty weeks. And not just any jobs. Because his goal was so much to explore America as to explore different careers, Daniel chose jobs that reflected the culture and economy of each state.
Working as everything from a cheesemaker in Wisconsin and a border patrol agent in Arizona to a meatpacker in Kansas and a surfing instructor in Hawaii, Daniel chronicles how he adapted to the unique demands of every job as well as to the wildly differing people, cultures, and environments. From one week to the next he had no idea where he was going to sleep, what he was going to eat, how he would settle into each job, or how he would be received. Tackling challenge after challenge--overcoming his anxiety about working four miles underground in a coal mine in West Virginia, learning to walk on six-foot stilts (in a full Egyptian king costume) at a Florida amusement park, racing the clock as a pit-crew member at an Indiana racetrack--he completed his journey a changed man. Daniel shares the lessons he learned and explains the five principles--perseverance, risk-taking, adaptability, networking, and endurance--that kept him going.
By the end of his journey, Daniel had more than just an impressive resume--he had also acquired scores of new friends, a new perspective on American culture, and the tools to overcome just about any obstacle. His story is an inspiration to anyone, whether you are entering the job market for the first time, trying to gain your footing as a young adult, or dreaming of breaking out of a rut and trying something new.

Publisher Website

Author Website

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