The more you learn about Ms. Bartok, the more you wish you knew her. The plot of the book reads like fiction but is very, very real. Read the synopsis on the publisher website. I'll wait....
If that didn't entice you to want to know more, I don't know what would. As the old adage says, truth is stranger than fiction, and this book sounds like an amazing read.
Mira Bartok herself sounds like an intriguing person. She is the author of 28 children's books and also runs a blog, Mira's List, which helps artists find funding and residencies all over the world.
Mira Bartok on Twitter
I received this book as an ARC but only began it yesterday. Shame on me. However, I will tell you that it is fantastic so far. I study neuroscience and have been very impressed with the accuracy of her research and the insights that she has, as well as the beauty of her writing. Hope you enjoy it!